Student Testimonials
“Thank you SO much for coming to Ottawa and offering this training. I’m becoming increasingly aware of how much my community needs something like this.
It seems like so many people I talk to are on the verge of burnout or beyond. Tools for true self-care and compassion couldn’t be more relevant, and I just feel so empowered to be able to offer what I’ve learned in your course to others.”
– Joanna Jack
“I had the privilege of taking Andrea Peloso’s Restorative Yoga training class in the winter of 2011. Andrea was a very thorough, caring teacher, demonstrating, setting up and explaining the benefits of each pose. I came out feeling comfortable trying the new poses I learned on my own. I found Andrea’s teaching style restorative in itself, even though I learned an enormous amount each class – I also left the class feeling rested and restored.
I would highly recommend this class.”
– Paula Dickie
“Andrea Peloso’s knowledge of restorative yoga is in-depth, enthusiastic and compassionate. I have taken classes from Andrea as a restorative yoga student and as a restorative teacher trainee and have found a very strong leader in this field of yoga.
Andrea’s care found in details of a pose extends to the care of individual students, to the yoga community and beyond to global affairs, and is in keeping with her passion and commitment.”
– Joni Moriyama
“Andrea’s Restorative Teacher Training was both experiential and full of concrete knowledge and wisdom from her years of studying yoga and experiencing the teachings of a restorative yoga practice. This training taught us to nurture our students in a way that most western yoga classes do not allow.
I also came home with a whole new set of poses and variations to explore… and without my previous fear of using props!”
– Shelaugh Earle-Meadows
“Andrea Peloso is a generous teacher. Andrea imparts her vast knowledge of restorative yoga in an open and accessible manner always ensuring that questions are satisfied with thoughtful and comprehensive responses.
I came to Andrea’s restorative training with experience in restorative yoga and this course allowed many more doors to be opened to both my personal practice and my teaching.”
-Kimberly Mantas
“Restorative Yoga Training has been a life changing experience for me. Not only did I learn about the practice itself and how to teach it with Andrea’s compassionate guidance, I was also able to heal myself of adrenal fatigue. It is amazing what this type of yoga can do to your entire being as you allow yourself some space and time to stop, breathe, let go, enjoy and rest.
What a journey!”
– Christine Tremblay
“This was a valuable Restorative Teacher Training course. Andrea is gifted in her ability to communicate the principles of restorative yoga in a practical and usable way. It opened the door into areas about which I want to continue learning (Ayurvedic medicine in particular).
Her understanding of props was especially insightful—I learned how to use bolsters, blocks, straps, and blankets with real precision and creativity. Thank you!”
– Elizabeth Harvey
“I attended Andrea Peloso’s 40hr Restorative TT while simultaneously taking my 200hr TT, and I absolutely loved it. Andrea has a very easy-flowing and nurturing teaching style that makes you feel immediately comfortable and at ease. She is incredibly knowledgeable and up to date with current affairs in the yoga world. I am so grateful to have come across this specific training as I found this teaching to be more of a “true” restorative-style yoga than what is taught at some other studios.
There seems to be some confusion with others, mixing up “Yin” with “Restorative” yoga. I left this 40-hour training with so much knowledge about the body and how it can greatly benefit from a Restorative practice. It isn’t just about being a relaxing yoga class, but you are fostering an environment where the body can rest and heal.
I walked away with enough confidence to begin teaching Restorative Yoga at the studio I completed my 200hr TT in. It is now my favourite style of yoga to share with those around me, and I feel that anyone and everyone can benefit from this practice.”
– Nicole